Where to get your coffee near campus during the pandemic
Below is a list of restaurant chains, their location, and travel time from Guelph-Humber by walking and by car.
Below is a list of restaurant chains, their location, and travel time from Guelph-Humber by walking and by car.
Take a look Inside the Guelph-Humber Bubble
University of Guelph-Humber's Trick or Eat event has been cancelled due to concerns about COVID-19 while demand at food banks has increased throughout the pandemic.
Three students, four roti– which will reign supreme? Join us on our journey of finding the best roti near Guelph-Humber.
he 34-year-old Woodbine Centre and Fantasy Fair, a popular spot among University of Guelph-Humber and Humber College students, is struggling to maintai…
he signs were colourful in spite of clear, strong messages: “NO means NO” and “No More Violence.” Staff and Students painted the posters for this year’…
he new Light Rail Transit System introduced by Metrolinx to run from Humber College to Finch West has started construction at the Humber North Campus. …
esidents in the Kipling-Dixon community are urging for increased neighbourhood security for trick-or-treaters this Halloween, due to a string of police…
With the winter weather coming to an end in the foreseeable future, dangerous driving is bound to return to the Humber College campus and surrounding r…