Every semester, University of Guelph-Humber students take part in the stressful process that is course registration.
Course registration takes place on a website called WebAdvisor.
Course registration is a mandatory process for all students wishing to continue enrollment at the university. This semester, course registration took place from Monday Nov. 7, to Friday Nov. 11. A student’s registration date depends on the number of credits they have. Regardless, each course registration period begins at 9 a.m.
The University of Guelph-Humber creates enough spaces for each student to register in their mandatory courses, if a student does not get their desired section, they are forced to take what remains, unless they have arrangements with their academic advisor.
As a result, course registration becomes a hectic time, most students end up competing with each other to get their ideal schedule.
Natalia De Marco, a second year kinesiology student said, “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows though, the day of the selection is always stressful. Once you press register, you hope that you get into all sections that you wanted.”
Unfortunately, classes tend to fill up as soon as the registration window opens. Occasionally, the site crashes due to an overflow of students attempting to select courses. If students are unavailable at 9 a.m. they run the risk of getting a schedule that does not align with their job, transportation, and other external factors.
Robyn Fetter is a mature student with two children. She is also a fourth year psychology student who said, “It’s just a lot to have to fight for a spot every time… my program offers two options typically when you have to sign up for courses. Usually it’s the same day, just a different time….”
The university has made some attempts to reduce the stress students feel around course registration. They provide academic advisors who are able to help students understand their program plan, demonstration videos showing students how to navigate WebAdvisor, and the learning support peers (LSP).
LSPs are current students that help assist the academic advisors during course selection. LSPs are able to field commonly asked questions like: when course selection is, which courses should students register for and how to register for courses. The LSP services also include a course registration workshop.
Throughout course registration, LSPs are available by phone, email, in-person at the desk and messaging through Instagram and Microsoft Teams.
During course registration students often take advantage of using this service, which causes the learning commons on the second floor to be busy.
Guelph-Humber’s computer support assistant team sits near the LSP desk and was able to witness the overflow of students at the LSP desk.
Joshua Grima a computer support assistant said, “…they’re quite frustrated, they’re nervous and panicking because when your pre-plan your schedule you want to make sure it works for you, when you have to make a last minute adjustment or have to switch things around because you didn’t get into a section you wanted, there’s obviously a feeling of panic….”
With high levels of panic surrounding course registration, the question must be asked: Can Guelph-Humber make course registration less stressful? Students wonder if there will be a solution to this chaotic period.
IGNITE is a non-profit organization and the official student union that represents students at Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber. A member of IGNITE who requested to be anonymous said, “I think at this point in time, it’s a natural process all students must go through, but hopefully with time there can be a solution created to help ease students and give them at least one less thing to worry about.”